We are grateful to Chloe Fisher (BVSc PGDipVCP DipECVN MRCVS, European Specialist in
Deciphering all the different terms and qualifications used by vets can be very challenging as you are likely to encounter a number of different phrases that vets use to determine the level of training they have undertaken. These phrases include ‘specialist’, ‘certificate holder’ and ‘specialist interest in’. These different titles can be very confusing and therefore, the aim of this information page is to allow you to help you choose the best person to meet your animal’s needs.
Overview of veterinary training:
To register to practice as a veterinarian in the UK, all vets must have undertaken 4-6 years of university undergraduate training, to obtain a veterinary degree. This undergraduate training covers all species and all disciplines, with most qualifications resulting in one of the following post-nominals: DVM, BVSc, BVetMed, BVM&S, BVMS and BVMSci. The post-nominals received depends on the university that your vet studied at but, are otherwise considered equivalent to one another.
Obtaining a veterinary undergraduate degree allows vets to apply to register for the governing body of vets in the country that they are practicing in. In the UK, this governing body is the RCVS and all vets practicing veterinary medicine in the UK must be on the RCVS register (MRCVS or FRCVS).
Following this initial necessary registration, all UK practicing vets must also complete a minimum of 35 hours of extra training every year, to ensure their skillset is up to date. This yearly training requirement is called ‘Continued Professional Development’ or CPD. Vets can choose to perform CPD on any topic they choose, with the training ranging from reading of articles to attending practical courses and lectures.
Many vets go on to develop an interest in one or two more specific areas of veterinary medicine or surgery as they progress through their career. These vets will often perform most of their CPD in these areas and may refer to an interest or ‘specialist interest’ in this area. No further examinations or qualifications are required for vets to declare an interest in a particular area and these vets are not considered as specialists in these areas.
Further post-graduate qualifications can then be obtained by vets wanting to further their knowledge in one or more specific areas. These qualifications include:
Specialist status:
Specialist veterinary status training is likened to consultancy training in human medicine and is considered the highest level of discipline-specific veterinary expertise in the UK. To become a veterinary specialist, your vet has to undergo a minimum of 3-4 years of additional training (akin to a registrar in human medicine), under the supervision of veterinary specialists. This training is often comprised of:
Board examinations may be European or American, thus allowing your specialist vet to achieve a European diploma, American diploma, or both. Once passed, vets will then use the post-nominals ‘Dip’ followed by their board area of expertise (e.g. European neurology = DipECVN).
Once vets have achieved specialist status, they are still required to meet their annual requirement of CPD, as set by the RCVS, in addition to on-going training requirements as set out by their discipline-specific governing body.
In the UK, vets that have achieved the European or American diploma qualifications can then apply to be added to the list of RCVS specialists, to also document RCVS specialist status alongside their European or American specialist status. To achieve this, vets must give evidence of their qualifications to the RCVS and once registered, they can be found on the RCVS website specialists page.