Cambridge University Vet School

Dachshund Health UK is supporting a research project at Cambridge University Vet School. The project aims to:


  • Determine what proportion of dogs may get better without surgery
  • Determine if there are any factors that can help us predict which dogs need surgery and which do not

Article in Vet Times (Jan. 2022)


Contact Prof. Paul Freeman

Update: Spring 2023


Research paper summary 2024 (Download the paper)

Please bookmark this page for updates on the project. The project also has a Facebook page. You can donate to DHUK to help support the project. Thank you for your support.

Below is the April 22nd 2021 webinar video presented by the Cambridge research team. It includes an overview of IVDD and an update on on research into medical management of paralysed dogs.

IVDD webinar slides (22/4/21)
Sam Khan's slides from the 22/4/21 webinar.
Dachshund Breed Council Webinar April.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [4.6 MB]

Here is the November 12th 2020 webinar video presented by the Cambridge research team.

Webinar slides (pdf)
Canine IVDD: how much do we know? PDF file of slides.
IVDD Webinar for web.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [834.9 KB]

My dog has IVDD: what now?


Watch the webinar video.

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